study in coburg.

General information for guest students

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Semester Abroad

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Semestre à l'étranger

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Information overview

What to consider when planning a guest semester at Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts?

First of all, we would like to emphasize that you are always welcome to spend a semester at Coburg University and we are very happy to have you with us. If you are concerned about any kind of language barriers, do not hesitate. If you only want to do a single semester with us, you do not need to be fluent in German, as our colleagues are able and willing to teach in English. A great advantage of studying in Germany is that there are no tuition fees to pay – basically you can study here for free so there should be no financial problems.

Coburg is a small rural town in northern Bavaria with a population of about 40,000. This distinguishes Coburg from other German cities like Munich, Berlin or Hamburg. The atmosphere at the university is very pleasant and the somewhat smaller number of students allows for great support for each individual.

If there are any questions about the study program, contact Professor Rainer Hirth for more information and support. If there are detailed questions about the application process, please contact the international office. You can find the contact information below.


What do guest students need to be aware of if they want to participate in the full bachelor program?

If you want to complete the full undergraduate program, you have to pass a German language test with a C1 level, unlike the one-semester guest students. Coburg is one of the few universities that offer a so-called Studienkolleg. You can spend one year learning the German language, successfully pass the test and start your studies afterwards. Regarding the study of architecture, you also have to take the general aptitude test, which German students have to take as well before they can be admitted to the study program. This usually takes place in July. The test is not too difficult, you should have drawing skills, know a little bit about architecture but be interested in architecture in the first place.

With these two things, the language test and the aptitude test, you are ready to start. The winter semesters start on October 1, the summer semesters on March 15. Semester breaks are usually in August and September.

If you have any further questions, please contact the International Office, they will help you at any time. We are looking forward to your application and hope to see you soon!


International Office
+49 (0)9561 317-319


Prof. Dr. Rainer Hirth
+49 (0) 9561 317-352